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Will Invisalign work for me?


Will Invisalign work for me?

Know whether Invisalign will work for you.

Often when you consider braces treatment it is very normal to think that will this treatment work for me? When you visit your dentist for getting your teeth aligned, he would have given you various options to get your teeth aligned. Invisalign would be one of those options, of course, metal/ceramic braces would be the other options provided to you. Invisalign is gaining popularity nowadays because of the wide range of advantages it provides. (Please read our previous blog to know about advantages of Invisalign). However, many of them are apprehensive whether Invisalign would work for them? The following are few questions which usually are asked by people who are considering Invisalign

Common Questions/Concerns about Invisalign

Will it correct my overbite?

Will it correct my bunny teeth?

Will it close the gaps between my teeth?

I am 63 years old, will Invisalign work on me?

My son/daughter is 14 years old, can he/she be treated with Invisalign?

I have previously undergone braces treatment and now it has relapsed, can I still get Invisalign done?

My teeth are severely crowded, will Invisalign be able to correct it?


Answer for above questions on Invisalign.

The answer to all the above questions is simply “Yes”. The research and technology are so advanced that all those treatments which could be done by regular braces can be done with Invisalign too. With all the advantages that Invisalign give us it is definitely recommended over conventional braces. There is a belief that Invisalign is expensive, we will be posting an article on the cost of Invisalign in our next blog.

Where to get Invisalign treatment done in India?

In India, Invisalign treatment is provided by Invisalign trained orthodontists. You can visit to find nearest Invisalign trained orthodontist near you. 

Dental Planet is a centre for Advanced and Aesthetic Dentistry located at Mysore, India. You can write to us at or visit us at our website


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