Things to know before choosing Invisalign 7 things which you need to know before choosing Invisalign. Invisalign is, of course, the best alternative to conventional braces. However, you should be aware of limitations and certain inconveniences before starting with Invisalign. Here are the few which you should know before Invisalign 1. Attachments are placed on your teeth before Invisalign Attachments are tiny material which is stuck on some of your teeth before giving Invisalign aligners. These tiny materials will help Invisalign to move the teeth in the exact manner in which your dentist would want it to move. These are tooth-coloured material, which would be almost invisible. You should expect that attachment may be placed on more than a few teeth if not on all the teeth. 2. You may not be able to wear lipstick during Invisalign treatment The lipstick material will easily stick to the aligners and it may appear awkward wh...